Below are some of the projects I have been working on.

Young Lungs
Artists in Schools
William Patten School
A whole school project which explored the feelings, ideas and anxieties of children around the issue of air pollution. Working creatively across the curriculum with EYFS to KS2 and collaborating with a sound designer and a fine artist we created a 12 minutes soundscape and 450 felt lungs to represent the impact air pollution has on young people. Click here for more details and a chance to hear the soundscape.
Family Tours
Family Consultant
Kew Gardens
As a consultant, I worked with the learning department and volunteer guides to help them create a Family Tour for their Kitchen Garden. I provided training to the team and evaluated a series of pilot tours offering advice and recommendations on best practice in Family Learning.

Raw Materials
Project Manager
Bow Arts
Raw Materials: Textiles highlights a fast-disappearing history of the Lower Lea Vallery which culminated in an exhibition of work by two commissioned artists at the Nunnery Gallery. Other features include heritage maps, an online resource and a programme of events including walking and boat tours, artist-led workshops and discussions. Click here for more details.

Wellcome Collection
Producing a family resource for TEETH - a temporary exhibition, with a group of young people on work experience. The resource, aimed at family audiences with children, was available to pick up in the exhibition space.